
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery - FESS

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is a minimally invasive surgical treatment which uses nasal endoscopes to enlarge the natural nasal drainage pathways of the paranasal sinuses and improve sinus ventilation.This procedure is generally used to treat inflammatory and infectious sinus diseases, including chronic rhinosinusitis that doesn't respond to drugs, nasal polyps, some tumours, etc.

Skull Base Surgery

Skull base surgery is a highly specialized, minimally invasive surgical technique for evaluating, diagnosing and treating benign or malignant growths located on the underside of the brain, the base of the skull and the upper vertebrae of the spinal column. Anterior skull base surgeons use special instruments inserted through the nasal openings to operate rather than accessing the brain through a craniotomy (surgical opening of the skull).The benefits of skull base surgery include less risk of infection and damage to cerebral structures and nerves, less risk of disfigurement and a shorter recovery time. A list of conditions that may be treated using skull base surgery includes Pituitary tumors, Meningiomas, Chordomas, Craniopharyngiomas etc.

Microsurgery of the Larynx

Microsurgery of the larynx is a method of performing precise delicate endolaryngeal surgical procedures with minimal trauma while viewing the larynx with binocular vision and selective magnification. It is, in fact, the application of the surgical principles of middle ear microsurgery to the larynx.

Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy

Diagnostic nasal endoscopy is a simple procedure, easy to perform, done under local anaesthetic spray and takes only 1 to 2 mins. It allows a detailed examination of the nasal cavities not possible by standard examination such as anterior rhinoscopy using headlight. It is a tool for early and accurate diagnosis of sinonasal diseases. This procedure is recorded and findings can be discussed with the patient.

Nasal Disorders

We treat the full scope of nasal and sinus disorders, including: Allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis with or without polyps, deviated septums, fungal sinusitis – including allergic fungal sinusitis and fungal ball plus acute or chronic invasive fungal sinusitis, benign and malignant tumors of the nose, cerebral spinal fluid leaks, nasal fractures, nosebleeds etc.

Fracture Nasal Bone Correction

A nasal fracture, is a fracture of one of the bones of the nose commonly caused by assault, trauma during sports, falls, and motor vehicle collisions. Symptoms may include bleeding, swelling, bruising, and an inability to breathe through the nose. They may be complicated by other facial fractures or a septal hematoma. Diagnosis is based on the signs and symptoms and confirmed by plain X-ray or CT scan PNS. Minor nasal fractures may be allowed to heal on their own provided there is not significant cosmetic deformity. Ice pack and pain medication may be prescribed to ease discomfort during the healing process. For nasal fractures where the nose has been deformed, manual alignment may be attempted, or depending on the type of fracture, surgical reduction may be done which can be closed or open. Outcomes of surgical reduction of fractures are generally good.

Ear Micro Surgery

Oftentimes, perforations in the Ear Drum occur in Children. This may happen due to infection or a result of injury. This is also called as tympanic membrane perforation. Depending on your condition your Doctor may Recommend a Microscopic Ear Surgery. One such Surgery is called- Tympanoplasty

Tympanoplasty is the surgical operation that is performed to reconstruct the eardrum or the small bones of the middle ear. The goal of this surgical procedure is to close the perforation and also to improve hearing.

Eardrum Rupture Treatment

There are many ways an eardrum perforation can occur. An infection in middle ear, trauma to the ear and chronic ear problems such as deep retraction pockets and cholesteatoma​​ can weaken and erode the eardrum, resulting in a defect or perforation. Most perforations are associated with ear discharge and hearing loss. Some small perforations will heal spontaneously without any surgical intervention. But in many cases surgical intervention is required. The repair is done using tissue from above the ear called as fascia and used as graft material. Other materials can also be used. There are two main approaches namely postauricular or transcanal. Endoscopic tympanoplasty can also be done for selected patients.

Ear Wax (Cerumen) Removal

Examination under microscope is a simple OPD procedure to magnify the view of the ear canal and the ear drum which helps the surgeon for diagnosis of various ear pathologies. The examination is painless and takes few minutes. Along with examination therapeutic procedures can be done such as wax removal, clearance of fungus, foreign body removal etc.

Nosebleed (Epistaxis) Treatment

Epistaxis, or bleeding from the nose, is a common complaint. It is rarely life threatening but may cause significant concern, especially among parents of small children. Most nose bleeds are benign, self-limiting, and spontaneous, but some can be recurrent. The following precautions should be imparted to the patient like using nasal saline spray, avoid hard nose blowing, sneeze with the mouth open etc. In most patients with epistaxis, the bleeding responds by applying firm digital pressure for about 5 minutes, using an ice pack, deep and relaxed breathing. If this conservative management fails, then cauterization of the bleeding spot, nasal packing, or both can be done. For those who have recurrent or severe bleeding for which medical therapy has failed, various surgical options are available.

Flexible Nasolaryngoscopy

procedure where a fiber optic cable is passed through the nose and is guided to the vocal folds, or larynx. This procedure is performed in patients with voice problems, cough, irritation and/or foreign body sensation in the throat, snoring, having breathing difficulties while sleeping etc. Flexible laryngoscopy is useful in children, patients who have a restricted mouth opening or a strong gag reflex. It is usually performed using decongestant nasal drops and local anaesthetic spray in the nose to allow smooth passage of the fiberoptic cable. This permits us to directly inspect the nose, throat, and larynx for abnormalities. Also it is a great tool for visualization of level of obstruction in case of obstructive sleep apnea(OSA) and thus aids in framing a treatment protocol for OSA.


Endoscopic laryngoscopy is a simple procedure where an endoscope can be passed through the mouth to see the vocal folds and the surrounding larynx in fine details. This test is performed for voice related issues like hoarseness of voice, throat irritation etc. and is also done for diagnosis of acid reflux amongst other laryngeal pathologies. It is under local anaesthesia using only a spray in the throat, thereby avoiding gag reflex with an easy examination.

Laryngeal Biopsy

The larynx is the medical term for voice box. Laryngoscopy refers to an examination of the voice box and nearby throat which may be performed in several ways. Indirect laryngoscopy is done in the office with a mirror much like your dentist uses. Fiber optic laryngoscopy is also done in the office but uses a small flexible scope placed through the nose, or a rigid one through the mouth, to examine and sometimes videotape the larynx. A mild anesthetic sprayed into the nose or back of throat may be used. Direct laryngoscopy is a surgical procedure in which a tube-like instrument is passed through the mouth to examine the back of the throat, voice box, or entrance to the esophagus (swallowing tube). This procedure is done in the operating room.

Micro-laryngoscopy is basically the same technique as direct laryngoscopy but an operating microscope is used to magnify structures within the voice box. A biopsy is a small piece of tissue taken from the body to be sent to a pathologist for diagnosis. There are many different types of biopsies. Nearly all of them involve using a sharp tool to remove a small amount of tissue.

Tonsillitis Treatment

Tonsillitis is infection of your tonsils. Common symptoms include a sore throat in combination with fever, swollen tonsils, difficulty swallowing and swollen lymph nodes. Tonsillitis treatment depends on the cause of the infection. Although most common in children, tonsillitis can affect people of all ages.

Adenoid / Tonsil Surgery

Tonsils are small, round pieces of tissue located in the back of the mouth on both sides of the throat. Adenoids are similar to tonsils but located in back of the nasal cavity. Tonsils and adenoids are often removed when they become large and inflamed and begin to cause frequent infections. The procedure to remove tonsils is known as a tonsillectomy, and removal of the adenoids is called an adenoidectomy. Because they are often removed at the same time, the procedure is referred to as a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, or T&A. The surgery is most commonly

ENT Treatment Unit

Operation Theater Microscopy / Endoscopy


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